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Where are the data located? | In the cloud, ie on servers controlled by the service publisher | Encrypted and disseminated on the workstations of other users of a service using PeerStorage. |
How is the durability of the data ensured? | The publisher of the service constantly maintains several replicas (between 3 and 5 usually) of data. | The data is rebuilt and constantly migrate at the discretion of the posts disconnections of other users. The redundancy rate is of the order of 1.3. |
How is the confidentiality of data ensured? | This is the responsibility of the service publisher. Read its terms of use by encryption. | Only the user and those to whom he communicates the key of a given data have access to it. |
How is storage funded? | By the business model of the service publisher who has to pay for servers. It is therefore impossible to create “free services.” | Storage is provided by the resources available to all users. There is therefore no longer to finance it literally, and “free services” become possible. |
Who can access the personal data? | The user, those with whom he decides to share his data, the service provider, and those with whom he decides (or is forced to share) his data. | Only the user and those with whom he decides to share his data. |
How to perform treatments on all data? (aggregation, statistics) | All processing on user data is done by the service publisher since there is access | Each user can receive processing requests on his own data. He is then free to perform them and return the result. |
How is a service financed? | By a combination of 3 methods: - the sale or the subscription, - advertisement, - the collection and exploitation of personal data. GAFAM is essentially based on the third method. | By a combination of two methods: - the sale or the subscription, - advertisement. The collection and exploitation of personal data can not be done without the knowledge of the user. |
Who is responsible for data shared with third parties (blog, social network, messaging)? | The publisher of a service can in some cases be held responsible for the data that its users share. | Only the user is responsible for the data that 'he shares. |
What is the amount of storage allowed for each user? | It is set by conditions specific to each service publisher | It depends for each user resources it makes available to the community. |
How to make sure that the stored data is legal ? | You must report the data to the publisher of a service that is legally obliged to remove it, or even to provide the identity of the user concerned. This is an advantage when the law is legitimate. | Nothing can ensure the legality of the data stored and exchanged. This is an advantage when the law is illegitimate and the freedom of expression restricted, which is the case in most of the world. |
How to ensure network neutrality? | It can only be provided in a limited way by regulation. ISPs are the main lobby for deregulating the Internet to allow this practice. | Network traffic is technically indiscriminate so that ISPs or any other intermediary can not threaten net neutrality. |
Who owns the Internet? | Internet becomes the property of some companies in oligopoly position. The latter consider the Internet as a means of reaching their “customers” or, for Type 3 services, their “products”. In some regions they are even willing to fully fund the link between users and their services, which is of course no longer Internet | Each user participates with its resources, and is not only a consumer. Internet becomes the property of all, ie a “common”. |
Energy Consumption? | To retain data and keep the Internet running, it is necessary to feed data centers. These represent a significant energy consumption, which in addition is expected to grow. | The free resources of each user of the Internet constitute a shared storage space for all. The need for Data Centers is reduced, as well as energy consumption. |
How to find a data? | Access is through URLs of the type http://domaine.com/page which rely on domain names and routing to a server. | By a non-rememberable URL of type ps://8Gg6e5ql0d which does not depend on a domain name and does not designate a particular server. |
How long is the data stored? | As long as the editor of a service maintains its servers online. A lot of reasons can lead to the cessation of a service: decision or bankruptcy of the publisher, censorship of a state, computer attack etc. | Independently of any third party, as long as the user has the right. He acquires these rights in proportion to the resources he makes available as soon as he uses a service based on PeerStorage. |
What happens in case of loss of identifiers/passwords? | A service usually sets up procedures that allow a user to retrieve his ID and reset his password. | Only the user's key provides access to his data. He is the sole responsible, and must take measures to avoid losing it. Otherwise, its data is irrecoverable. |
And resistance to piracy? | A service publisher is custodian of a large amount of personal data, and there is access in the clear. It becomes a target of choice for hacking: attacks are concentrated on it, because the loot is considerable, making the cost/benefit ratio advantageous. | The data of a user are not only randomly scattered among a multitude of stakeholders but moreover they are indecipherable by them. Encryption and dissemination make the cost/benefit ratio of attacks prohibitive. |